Developer Ikumi Nakamura (who rose to internet super-stardom following a memorable appearance at E3 this year) has tweeted her desire to make a new game based on the mystical – and much beloved – Japanese franchise Okami. The new tweet sees Nakamura stood alongside industry veteran Hideki Kamiya, who directed the original Okami for PlayStation 2 back in 2006.

Okami is going to be back” states Kamiya simply, offering a big thumbs up. “Really?” inquires Nakamura, with Kamiya nodding in confirmation. Nakamura then leaves the frame, presumably to START MAKING THE GAME RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK… Well, perhaps not, but given the adjoining text, which reiterates Nakamura’s excitement at the possibility of an Okami sequel, it looks like there’s reason enough for fans to keep the hope fires burning.

Ikumi Nakamura is interested in making Okami sequel screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Ikumi Nakamura is interested in making Okami sequel