I’m not afraid to admit that I enjoy heaps of kids movies. I mean barring the argument that a lot of films, Pixar most notably, are more of an “all ages” deal and get unfairly wrangled into the “kids” label, I also don’t mind watching movies that are undoubtedly marketed toward children.
Although the first Ice Age is the most mainstream of the bunch, the rest are decidedly more child-like, but one character kind of transcends that with his Looney Tune-esque no-dialogue charm. I’m talking of course about Scrat, the anxiety-ridden squirrel thing that commandeers the series’ signature shorts.
Although he probably deserved his own mascot platformer back in 2002, we’re getting one in 2019 that sadly feels like it was from 2002 on modern hardware.
Source: Destructoid Ice Age: Scrat’s Nutty Adventure has raw potential, but is let down by performance issues on Switch