Board games are making a comeback, which is great, because board games are awesome. But the sheer number of games now on shelves can make it hard to spot the gateway games ideal for newbies.

Don’t sweat. We’ve compiled a list of awesome games to ease you into the ever-growing world of tabletop awesomeness. Don’t think “beginner” means these are games that a veteran board gamer wouldn’t play. These are all games respected and loved across the hobby. They also happen to be easier to learn and introduce mechanics that more complex board games will assume you already have experience with.

All you need to enjoy any of these polished, ultra-fun, and lightweight board games are a few people to play with. If your friends aren’t up for it, it should be easy to find a local group. Search to see if there’s a local board game store, and they’ll be able to advise you. Otherwise try or for groups near you.

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Source: The Best Board Games for Beginners