Another Thursday, another PC game giveaway at the Epic Games Store. Let’s get right to it.
SOMA is an underwater sci-fi horror adventure about what it truly means to be human.
Costume Quest is an adorable Double Fine role-playing game about trick-or-treaters.
If you haven’t gotten around to them, both games are worth playing, especially now, on Halloween. The Epic Games Store is handing out the PC versions until November 7, 2019.
Even if you think SOMA falls outside your usual purview, don’t be quick to write it off. Its greatest strength is its story, not its scares (though the game is dripping in uneasy atmospherics). Worst-case scenario? Just play with Safe Mode turned on. The deranged creatures won’t harm you.
Next week’s free games are Nuclear Throne and Ruiner, which, hell yes.
Source: Destructoid You should play SOMA or Costume Quest for free on PC