SNK has released a new trailer for the Samurai Shodown Switch port, which brings all of the deliberately-paced sword-swinging action of the PS4 and Xbox One release to the Nintendo platform.

The Switch port will feature a selection of setup modes to suit your environment, and allows for two-player Vs. battle with each player using a single Joy-Con. Early adopters will also receive a copy of the cute Neo Geo Pocket Color release Samurai Shodown! 2, which is a neat bonus. Unfortunately, we’re still waiting on an official worldwide launch date for both the Nintendo Switch and the PC port of this great modern fighter.

Samurai Shodown is available on Nintendo Switch in Japan December 12. It is available worldwide now on PS4 and Xbox One.

Samurai Shodown trailer brings the steel-clashing fighter to Switch screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Samurai Shodown trailer brings the steel-clashing fighter to Switch