Joker has not only become the most profitable comic book movie of all time but it’s led to many discussions, story-wise, about what’s real and what’s not with regards to Arthur Fleck’s unreliable narrator status. A centerpiece of this isĀ Zazie Beetz’s neighbor character, Sophie, who was crucial to one of the twists in the plot, andĀ whose ultimate fate was left unanswered.
Beetz is also know for playing a big role in another comic book movie, as she was Deadpool 2’s super-powered luck machine Domino. Of course, Deadpool is (the R-rated) part of Fox’s X-Men universe, but now that Disney’s brought the X-Men film rights back to Marvel, and Marvel plans on making an X-Men movie at some point, Beetz has gone on record saying she’d love to play Storm.
Source: Joker Star Wants to Be a Part of the MCU's X-Men