Apple is reportedly planning on jumping into the VR and AR headset wars, according to Bloomberg, which cites people familiar with the company’s plans.

Apple plans to release a standalone VR and AR headset by 2021 or 2022, Bloomberg reports, with the devices aiming to focus on gaming, watching video content, and enabling virtual meetings. Apple reportedly intends to release a pair of AR glasses as early as 2023 as well.

Where’s this technology stemming from? The 2020 iPad Pro will feature an additional camera, plus what Bloomberg describes as a “small hole” that helps enable a 3D system. Apple also plans to implement the 3D system on iPhones later in 2020, where they’ll be paired with a 5G network. The 3D sensor system is described as a more advanced version of Apple’s Face ID sensor.

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Source: Apple VR / AR Headset Reportedly in Development