Disney+ has a brand new iteration of the infamous “Han Shoots First” scene from the first Star Wars movie, Episode IV – A New Hope. It represents the first time the scene has changed since the 2011 Blu-ray, and the most noticeable difference since the scene was first altered in 1997.

After Han Solo says, “Yes, I’ll bet you have,” it cuts to a shot of Greedo saying a full phrase in his alien language before returning to the shot of both of them firing. Greedo says something along the lines of, “Ma-klunk-kley.”

The new phrase does not come with subtitles, even though the rest of Greedo’s dialogue from that scene does. The font of the subtitles has also been changed to the same style that appears on all Disney+ content.

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Source: IGN.com Disney+ Adds New Cut to Star Wars: A New Hope, Han and Greedo Scene