Memories allow us to look back on the big and small moments of our lives, but those visions of the past are filtered through how our mind remembers them. Time, space, and even what was said can be twisted, even slightly, by our memory.

Arise, the first game from Piccolo Studio that debuts on Dec. 2 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, plays with this very idea in a 10-level journey through a dead man’s life. And given the two levels I played through, Arise is showing some beautiful promise in how it uses time-based gameplay to accentuate this man’s journey — and deliver on some pretty fun platforming to boot.

Arise is built around time — its silent protagonist is now in limbo, his life over, and yet the journey he just undertook lies before him. Through 10 different levels, the man (and thus the player) explores 10 different moments, some that take place over the course of a day and others that happen in just a few seconds. Of course, levels are much longer — each took me roughly 15-20 minutes to complete while obtaining some of each stage’s collectibles — as you make your way through by jumping, climbing, and swinging through levels in which you can also control the flow of time.

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Source: Arise: A Simple Story Preview: A Beautiful, Time-Twisting Adventure