The newest Star Wars game from EA is great. In our Jedi: Fallen Order review we declared it “amazing,” with an excellent story and wonderful gameplay. The story is one of the better, as far as Star Wars games go, taking place between the execution of Order 66 in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and the events at the start of Episode 4.

There’s a whole lot of lore to catch up on if you want to dive into Jedi: Fallen Order with a good level of context. There are all three prequels to watch, if you’re up to it, but there’s also the excellent Clone Wars animated series. That’s a lot of Star Wars to watch, but the good news is, if you’re feeling up to it, you can watch all the Star Wars content on Disney+ for free for 7-days. That means when you put down your controller, you can take a more passive approach to Star Wars.

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Source: How to Watch Star Wars for Free for 7-Days Before You Play Jedi Fallen Order