Motorola has just unveiled the Motorola Razr, a new take on the classic flip phone. The company’s original Razr was the phone to have in the mid 2000s, before smart Blackberries and even smarter iPhones changed the field. Now, Motorola is leveraging a bit of nostalgia combined with cutting-edge design to offer something special with the new Razr.
This phone has been four years in the making. Motorola worked with Lenovo’s research and technology team to design the hinge and display so that the phone could offer the classic style of the foldable Moto Razr while packing in a rectangular touchscreen display like we’re all used to in our smartphones now. The materials are also upgraded, with glass, stainless steel, and resin. And, there’s splash protection to keep the device safe from spills and rain.
Source: There's a New Razr: The Flip Phone Is Back