Sammy J from Gaming Daze writes: The majority of my gaming hours are spent playing single player games, for me the online gaming wave has come and gone but that doesnt mean I wont try out another online multiplayer experience from time to time. I just get far more enjoyment out of a fully fledged single player story based adventure like The Legend of Zelda than I do from MMORPGs. Then there is the old fashioned way to play games with other people which may actually involve you having to physically communicate with them in a shared space and time. I am of course referring to local multiplayer, a version of multiplayer which for me beats any online multiplayer experience hands down. You dont get to see the reactions from the people you are playing with if you are playing with them online and the friendly banter doesnt feel the same over a headset. Local multiplayer and couch co-op games took a somewhat back seat when online multiplayer was on the rise but it is refreshing to see…
Source: N4G PC The Last Crystal – Co-op Dungeon Crawling Mayhem!