The fifth episode of HBO’s Watchmen, “Little Fear of Lightning,” is a near-perfect hour of television. Finally, the show feels like a fully-realized sequel to the graphic novel. Finally, its nagging political puzzle snaps into place; it feels like the payoff to something mysterious, despite the lack of exciting mystery. Finally, the story focuses on one of its most intriguing characters, Tim Blake Nelson’s Looking Glass/Wade Tillman, an echo of the comic’s Rorschach. And finally, the series kick-starts its stagnant plot, providing an emotional gut-punch worthy of the Watchmen name.

Prior to this week’s entry, the show was far more concerned with worldbuilding than with walking down the path of its central mystery. Even last week’s stellar “If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own” fell victim to spinning plot wheels that hadn’t moved forward since the lettuce truck in Episode 1. There were hints that something, of a nature not even vaguely teased, may eventually transpire; it felt like Lost without the alluring aesthetics or smoky mysteries to keep one tuning in. And while this revelation has not yet come to pass, the show’s fifth episode feels like faith rewarded — at least, for those of us who believed showrunner Damon Lindelof would be a perfect fit after his work on The Leftovers. And it is, in fact, The Leftovers that feels like the episode’s emotional blueprint. It opens in 1985, on the day the comic ended, and re-tells the devastation from Looking Glass’ perspective. Young Wade Tillman, a conservative “end is nigh” doomsayer, not unlike Rorschach, has his own faith rewarded in the most Hellish way possible, when he witnesses the mass death caused by Ozymandias’ giant squid being teleported into Manhattan.

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Source: Watchmen Episode 5 Review