We’ve finally reached November, the best time of year to buy anything and everything Nintendo Switch related. Black Friday is coming and undoubtedly many of you are saving your pennies for that special occasion. But did you know that some of the best deals we see on Black Friday start much earlier? We’re already seeing some huge early Black Friday discounts on several of the best Nintendo titles. Also later this month the game many of us have been waiting a long time for, Pokemon Sword and Shield, finally ships. This is a good time to get on board the best selling gaming platform of 2019.
Nintendo Switch Lite with Pokemon Sword or Shield and Case for $238.99
Save $31 if you get a turquoise Switch Lite with your choice of Pokemon Sword or Shield and a case. Save $21 if you want the Zacian and Zamazenta Edition. We haven’t seen any mention of a Switch Lite deal during Black Friday, and this bundle is still up to $60 cheaper than getting the original Switch (even on Black Friday).
Source: IGN.com Deal Alert: Score a Switch Lite With Pokemon Sword or Shield for 9