Full spoilers follow for HBO’s Watchmen through Episode 5, “Little Fear of Lightning.”

HBO’s Watchmen series is specifically a sequel to the original comic book, not the 2009 movie version. Most of the time, that distinction makes little difference, as the movie mostly follows the plot of the comic very closely. However, the two versions diverge in one very important way – the alien squid monster.

With Watchmen’s fifth episode delving even more deeply into the squid monster and the long-term effects of Ozymandias’ plot, as well as how it affected the character of Wade “Looking Glass” Tillman (Tim Blake Nelson), we figured now was the perfect time for a refresher on all things squid. Read on to learn why the endings of the comic and movie differ and why the squid monster continues to play such a major role in the HBO series.

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Source: IGN.com Explaining Last Night's Big Watchmen Surprise