BY GRANT TAYLOR: Lets face it, modern media and entertainment has given us a knack for truly appreciating the good guy, whether it be a superhero, a romantic fool, or a righteous warrior on the path of vengeance. A character being instilled with defined traits of morality, courage, justness or unwavering loyalty are usually the key indicators that a good guy is Well, a good guy.
Typically, theyll be cookie-cutter superheroes, like Captain America or Spider-man. Alternatively, they can come from mythology, such as the Greek legends of Achilles or Perseus. Lets not forget the very real heroes that have existed in our world: Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, or Mother Teresa, as examples.
However, a character type that can often outclass the typical hero in terms of sheer entertainment value or written ability is the anti-hero. These are a breed that are often found with wavering morality, willing to do the damage that a good guy wont. Theyll be able to make sacrific…
Source: N4G PC Top 5 Anti-Heroes in Gaming