HBO has debuted the official trailer for the network’s upcoming The Outsider drama series based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, starring Ben Mendelsohn and Jason Bateman, and it looks pretty darn intriguing.

The 10-episode series is a horror drama that, according to HBO, “explores the investigation into the gruesome murder of a local boy and the mysterious force surrounding the case.” Watch the trailer by clicking the video above or below:

Of course, this is a Stephen King story, so things quickly go off the rails — and, according to the trailer, become pretty terrifying. Mendelsohn (Star Wars: Rogue One, Bloodline) plays police detective Ralph Anderson, who is investigating the mutilated body of an 11 year old found in the woods in Georgia. Bateman plays Terry Maitland, who quickly becomes suspect number one in the investigation about the young child’s death.

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Source: The Outsider Trailer: First Look at HBO's Stephen King Horror Drama Series