Well, that was sure… something. Between the psychic dragon orgies and the talking cat who never moves his mouth, “Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty” easily ranks among the strangest Rick and Morty episodes of all time. And it’s not like there isn’t some pretty stiff competition in that regard. That being said, “strange” doesn’t automatically equal “enjoyable,” as this episode also unfortunately ranks among the show’s bigger misses.

On paper this episode’s premise seems solid enough. It trades the series’ usual sci-fi trappings for something a little more fantasy/sword and sorcery in nature. It’s also the rare episode where Rick is out of his element and Morty has the upper hand. Yet none of the pieces ever really come together to form a coherent story. This episode settles for being weird just for the sake of being weird.

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Source: IGN.com Rick and Morty: Season 4, Episode 4 Review