Bundle up because Overwatch’s annual Winter Wonderland event is back this year. This year, Blizzard is introducing a new game mode along with the usual, limited-time cosmetic offerings. Check below for the full breakdown of new skins and game modes in this year’s Overwatch Winter Wonderland event.

Like in previous years, Overwatch is getting a new game mode for the Winter Wonderland event. This year’s mini-game is called “Snowball Deathmatch.” It’s an 8-player free-for-all deathmatch mode where every player is Mei and shoots a modified snowball gun.

While this is similar to Mei’s Snowball Offensive, this year Mei gets a new ability for the game mode called “Catch.” This allows players to catch an enemy snowball and add it to their ammo count. The first player to 15 eliminations wins.

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Source: IGN.com Overwatch Winter Wonderland Event Returns With New Legendary Skins