A very quiet week for new releases led to a general stagnancy in the high street last week, as Electronic Arts’ football sim FIFA 20 retained the top spot of the UK Charts.

The Top Ten generally consisted of high-selling titles jostling for position, with Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, EA’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and Nintendo’s trifecta of Pokemon Sword and Shield, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe all bouncing around the upper echelon. Ubisoft’s Just Dance 2020 managed to climb from number 13 to number six, as families prepare for those awkward, post-Christmas Dinner party shenanigans.

Elsewhere in the charts, Nintendo continue to feature throughout the Top 40 with most of their Switch poster titles – including Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Ring Fit Adventure, Super Mario Maker 2 and LABO Toy-Con – all putting in an appearance. Going forward through December, we can expect to see little in the way of major shakeups when it comes to the Top Ten.

Quiet release week sees Just Dance 2020 groove into the Top Ten of the UK Charts screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Quiet release week sees Just Dance 2020 groove into the Top Ten of the UK Charts