Star Trek has not ventured into the world of animation since the original Animated Series, which ran from 1973-1974 and featured the voices of William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and most of the original show’s cast as they revived their characters for new adventures aboard the USS Enterprise. In the years since, there has been talk here or there about new animated ventures for the franchise, but that talk never really went anywhere. Until now…
Debuting this week as part of CBS All Access’ latest round of Short Treks are two animated shorts, “The Girl Who Made the Stars” and “Ephraim and Dot.” The latter was directed by Academy Award-winning composer Michael Giacchino, who has scored all three modern Trek movies. Both segments debut on the streamer on Thursday, December 12, and we’ve got some exclusive images from the shorts. Check them out in the gallery below:
Source: Star Trek Returns to Animation: Exclusive First Look