Twitch is being sued by a Russian internet company over illegal broadcasts of English Premier League soccer games. The Russian company is asking the live stream service to pay 180 billion roubles (USD 2.8 billion), and have the service banned in Russia.

Rambler Group is accusing Twitch of breaching its exclusive broadcast rights to Premier League games, which the company secured in 2019. IGN reached out to Twitch for comment but did not receive a response.

According to a report by the BBC, Twitch called Rambler’s lawsuit “unfounded.” Speaking with Russian-language news website Kommersant, Twitch lawyer Julianna Tabastaeva added that Twitch, “only provides users with access to the platform and is unable to change the content posted by users, or track possible violations.” She also says Twitch did all it could to “eliminate the violations despite not receiving any official notification from Rambler.”

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Source: Russian Company Sues Twitch for Billion Over Illegal Soccer Streams