Okay so this is a nice Christmas surprise! Nintendo, out of nowhere, is giving us a bit of free DLC for the holidays. Just boot up your copy of Cadence of Hyrule and download the software update and you’re good to go.

The DLC is actually a new storyline involving the main villain called Octavo’s Ode, which is likely a way to “Jolie Maleficent” him into a more nuanced role. If you haven’t played it yet, it’s a fantastic rhythm-based roguelike that also features a rad campaign mode for folks who are sick of complete randomization and “endless” runs. Speaking of, the DLC also adds a “dungeon mode” that serves as a challenge-esque gametype.

It even made our nominee list for Switch Game of the Year! There’s a demo available if you want to give it a shot, and I highly recommend it as a relaxing holiday game to play with a partner.

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Go grab some free Zelda Cadence of Hyrule DLC now screenshot

Source: Destructoid Go grab some free Zelda Cadence of Hyrule DLC now