This post contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian Season 1 through episode 7.

What Is Force Healing?

The Rise of Skywalker introduces a lot of new Force abilities into the Star Wars franchise, but perhaps the most vital is the one utilized by Rey (and later Ben Solo) – the ability to use the Force to heal an injury; even a seemingly fatal one.

When Rey encounters a wounded sand serpent in the caves of Pasaana, she explains to Finn and Poe that she used the Force to transfer a part of her life essence on to the snake in order to heal it, but given how we see her holding her hand in pain, it’s implied that using the Force to heal someone takes something (whether it’s energy or pure life force) from the wielder. Rey again demonstrates the power when she heals Kylo Ren from what looked like a fatal lightsaber wound through his midsection.

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Source: How The Mandalorian Connects to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker