IGN does lots of Movie and TV of the Year Award categories, but we just can’t cover everything. That’s where IGN UK comes in, to dish out awards for the stuff no one else will.
Want to know what the Best Performance from Someone Not Called Joaquin Phoenix was? Cardy has you covered. Want to know who the 4.0 GPA award for Best School Film goes to? Matt will tell you. And who will take home the much coveted Thank God It’s Over award? Alex has the answer.
Those are just a handful of the 9 winners we will be crowning, plus we get a tantalising look into the world of Matt’s search history.
Remember, if you want to get in touch with the podcast, please do: ign_ukfeedback@ign.com
Source: IGN.com IGN UK Podcast #518: The Alternative Movie and TV Awards 2019