IGN’s Best Horror Movie category focuses on the films that had us hiding under the covers in 2019, from our discovery of the Tethered to a trip to a lighthouse to some Stephen King-based freak-outs. We love horror movies, and these were the best of the bunch this past year!

This is our winner for the Best Horror Movie in 2019.


Best Horror Movie of 2019: Us

us-movieDirector Jordan Peele has proven that he’s not a one-hit-wonder with Us, a truly terrifying, poignant look at one American family that goes through hell at the hands of maniacal doppelgangers. The strangeness of the narrative stays grounded with excellent character development, especially with Lupita Nyong’o’s Adelaide. The impactful use of music and dazzling cinematography elevates Us above your average horror-thriller, and Peele has created another marvelous new American horror story.

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Source: IGN.com The Best Horror Movie in 2019