A new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare glitch will allow players to explore what appears to be an upcoming battle royale map. While a battle royale mode hasn’t been officially confirmed by Activision, the glitch seemingly allows players to explore the Ground War/Battle Royale playing area.

Discovered by Reddit user KingBreezoR and reported by Eurogamer, players can test out the glitch for themselves by playing a private match on the map Vacant. Once you’ve begun the game, simply use the free spectating feature and spawn camera to roam throughout the area. The Vacant map is set within Port of Verdansk, which is the large Ground War map. Here is where the glitch gets fun — you’ll be able to travel outside of the Vacant boundaries and explore new, unreleased areas in Modern Warfare.

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Source: IGN.com Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Glitch Lets Players Explore Battle Royale Map