How can it be that time of year already? But it is! December 25 is upon us, bringing with it all of the regality and joy of the festive season. For many of you, today is a day of wild partying, gift-giving, and reconvening with old friends and acquaintances. There’s usually a disgusting amount of food and drink involved too.

For others, today might simply be a much welcome day away from work, giving you the opportunity to put your feet up and relax, reflecting on the crazy year that is 2019, which as we speak is already pulling on its boots and headed for the door, while looking over its shoulder and sheepishly muttering “Er… yeah… sorry about that, chief”.

Me, I have the place to myself, so I think I’m going to arrange a house-wide diorama of cardboard standees, toys, and mannequins – all of which I inexplicably own  – in a fashion that makes it appear to any would-be burglars that I’m having the party to end all parties.

Anywhoo, for most people today is about celebration or relaxation, both of which you most certainly deserve. So make the most of it. Find victories large or small, whether a conversation with a good friend, snuggling up with a loved one, or simply chilling out with great games, TV, and movies. However, wherever and with whomever you’re spending today, be good to yourself and those around you. ‘Tis the season, after all.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from all of us at Destructoid!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Shakin’ Stevens

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays from Destructoid! screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays from Destructoid!