Printers have been around for so long and folks expect to set it and forget it. They’re one of those household items that’s often better to have it and not need it than not owning at all. After the initial set up, home printers are as simple as plug and play.
Over the past decade, the printing industry has really blossomed and evolved. For example, some of the latest home printers come with different types of black ink for different paper types. Alternatively, ink agitations takes the pain out of having to wait for the printer head to clean itself if you haven’t printed for a long time.
The printer world isn’t exactly huge, but three companies continue to come out on top. Canon’s pedigree in the digital camera world allowed it to produce the most color-accurate photo printers. HP’s computing background and dabbles in photography allowed them to understand the needs of small business owner’s who operate from home. And Epson’s expertise in both printers and ink technology has continued to make them a leader. Here are some of the best options from those three companies.
Source: Get the Best Home Printer for Your Personal Office or Studio