Bandai Namco has unleashed a bounty of character trailers for its upcoming hack ‘n’ slash sequel Pirate Warriors 4, based on the ongoing adventures of popular anime series One Piece.

The new video give fans a good look at six of Pirate Warriors 4’s playable characters, all of whom will engage in huge, chaotic battles with villains from the shadiest sands of the One Piece universe. The featured characters include super-stylish skeleton Brook, muscle-bound shipmaker Franky, smart and sultry archaeologist Nico Robin, tobacco-loving military man Smoker, talented swordswoman Tashigi, and finally, weird-ass medical kung-fu reindeer Tony Tony Chopper…


You can check out all six trailers below. Full profiles for each character, as well as the rest of the revealed roster, can be found over at the official site. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 launches on PS4, PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch March 27.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 drops trailers for Nico Robin, Brook, Tashigi, Smoker and others screenshot

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Source: Destructoid One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 drops trailers for Nico Robin, Brook, Tashigi, Smoker and others