Carrie Fisher, known for her portrayal of Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars saga, passed away on December 27, 2016. Now, more than three years (and two films) later, we find out how Carrie Fisher’s posthumous performance was included in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
SPOILERS AHEAD forĀ Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, Rise of Skywalker’s writer and director J.J. Abrams and crew share how Fisher’s performance was created. Earlier this year, Abrams said he didn’t want to recast the part, or have Leia suddenly disappear, as it wouldn’t feel right. He also wanted to avoid creating a CGI version of Fisher, like what was featured in Rogue One.
Source: How Leia's Final Scenes Were Created in Rise of Skywalker