Marvel Comics just debuted a new volume of Thor, as writer Donny Cates and artist Nic Klein chart a brand new course for the god of thunder. That includes a strikingly redesigned costume, as Thor finds himself dealing with more power and more responsibility than ever before.

As it turns out, there’s an important reason behind Thor’s latest wardrobe change. Read on to find out the real significance of this costume, but beware of spoilers for Thor #1 ahead!

The new series picks up in the aftermath of King Thor, the conclusion to writer Jason Aaron’s seven-year Thor run. Thor has become the new Allfather of Asgard, ruling over his rebuilt kingdom on a new throne carved into the World Tree itself. Unfortunately, Thor faces the same challenge as so many new kings before him. It turns out that saving the world, slaying trolls and guzzling mead is a lot more fun than ruling a kingdom and dealing with politics all day long. Making matters worse, Thor finds Mjolnir is becoming harder to lift with each passing day. Loki is the only other Asgardian aware of this secret.

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Source: Marvel Comics Gives Thor a Massive Upgrade for 2020