Twenty-twenty may be a defining year for the video game industry. This fall, we’ll see new consoles from Sony and Microsoft arriving at a time of technological convergence. We may still have gaming devices tethered to our televisions, but as Switch and Stadia have proven, players want their games with them wherever they go. With both Sony and Microsoft pursuing cloud gaming, we may be on the precipice of the most dramatic shift of how we play our games since Nintendo introduced the Game Boy.
Speaking of Nintendo, it’s coming off one hell of a year. Many of its second-tier franchises took a victory lap in 2019 and a few found themselves in the conversation for Game of the Year. Looking ahead, the Switch is poised to have its biggest year yet and there are plenty of highly anticipated titles for it on the way.
That’s what this post is about. Each year, we ask Destructoid contributors to tell us their most anticipated titles of the next 12 months. For 2020, it is an eclectic mix of games that span different genres and gaming hardware. So check out our list below and tell us what your most anticipated games are in the comments.
Source: Destructoid Here are Destructoid’s most anticipated games of 2020