If you missed out on picking up an Apple Watch Series 3 or a pair of AirPods during Black Friday, today’s your lucky day. The Apple Watch Series 3 has been largely unavailable since the pre-holiday shopping rush, but Walmart has it again for its new $199 price. Both the AirPods and AirPods with wireless charging case are back to Black Friday levels at Amazon and Walmart, so start the new year with something shiny and new from Apple.
Apple AirPods Deal
Since Black Friday is no longer a single day, but instead a multi-week deal event, this price stuck around for quite some time back in November. For a brief moment, Walmart offered them for a mere $129, but they sold out extremely fast. Amazon was able to hold onto its Black Friday stock with a $139 price tag, and you can grab them now from either Walmart or Amazon. The pair with the wireless charging case is also on sale.
Source: IGN.com Get Apple AirPods on Sale Today