As we do every year, last January we asked the Destructoid staff to share with everyone their most anticipated games of the year. 2019 had some absolute bangers in it, from the remake Resident Evil 2 to Fire Emblem: Three Houses to some little game about an asshole goose. Of course, for every good game that makes it to store shelves and digital marketplaces, there are plenty of bad ones too. Most people can see garbage coming from a mile away, but sometimes, just sometimes, one of those crap games slips through the crack to become something we get hyped about.

So, did any bad games make our most anticipated list last year? I asked the Destructoid staff to revisit their picks from last year and let us know what they thought of the final product.

So, how did Destructoid's most anticipated games of 2019 turn out? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid So, how did Destructoid’s most anticipated games of 2019 turn out?