Red Dead Online is full of outlaws and bandits, debauchery and depravity. Probably ain’t no harm in adding a little bootleg booze to the mix.
Rockstar’s really urging players to get after a career in moonshining, as this week’s Red Dead Online bonuses are mostly aimed at making your own mountain dew. Until January 13, anyone who hits Moonshiner Rank 3 will get an exclusive color of Kelley Boots. More enticing, adding flavor (like the delicious-sounding apple berry crumb) to a batch fetches an additional 500 Moonshiner Role XP. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Other moonshining perks: Get a 30 percent discount on a Norfolk Roadster horse by selling a medium-strength batch of hooch; get 25 percent off Moonshiner Shack Properties and Property Relocations; get 40 percent off Novice and Promising Trader Role Items.
Incentive enough to start slinging spirits down at the speakeasy? Anyone who’s only moonshining is probably among the most morally pure in Red Dead Online.
New Clothing Now in Stores and Bonuses for Moonshiners [Rockstar]
Source: Destructoid Red Dead Online has new bonuses that make a compelling case for moonshining