Just recently Gearbox pulled the plug on a fairly cool limited-time concept (difficulty scaling for the Maliwan Blacksite event) for Borderlands 3, but it seems like the issues they had with it are under control and it’s back on.

Gearbox has confirmed that it’ll now take place from January 16 through January 30, at which point you’ll be able to zone into Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite if you have a smaller party, and it’ll scale to your player count: you can even do at it solo! The development team will revert the scaling opportunity once January 30 hits. I hope Gearbox does this for all events, as play through all the content a game has to offer, even once, is a great thing for casual players to be able to experience. It’s one of my favorite aspects of the LFR mechanic in World of Warcraft.

In less important news, bugs with FL4K (Furious Attack bonuses), Rakkcelerate (wrong stats), Cheap Tip (invisible numbers) and Arbalest of Discipline (just spawning with shields) are now fixed. The Anointed Enforcer bug (which I’ve ran into a few times) is also not a problem anymore, so they won’t feel as bullet spongey.

Borderlands 3 Hotfixes [Gearbox]

That delayed Borderlands 3 difficulty scaling event is back on next week screenshot

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Source: Destructoid That delayed Borderlands 3 difficulty scaling event is back on next week