For its fifth map, PUBG is going the smallest it has ever gone. In its origin, PUBG was about spreading out, looting up, and finding strategic ways to kill everyone else. As of late, it has trended toward dumping everyone on top of everyone else and letting the bullets sort things out as quickly as possible.

The new Karakin map is a 2×2 kilometer battlezone in North Africa. That’s tiny. Previously, Sanhok was the smallest map (4×4), and it’s a player favorite because of the constant action. Give them more of what they want. However, because Karakin is one-quarter the area of Sanhok, the player base has been pared down; instead of the usual 100 players, Karakin supports 64 players.

Here’s the Karakin map: 

Karakin is PUBG's quickest and deadliest map yet screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Karakin is PUBG’s quickest and deadliest map yet