Horace, the ambitious story-driven 2D platformer that Eurogamer’s Martin Robinson liked really rather a lot on its release last year, is currently free on the Epic Games Store, meaning you’ve yet another opportunity to expand your interminable gaming backlog.

Developed by Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn, Horace casts players as the titular hero, a small robot “learning of life, the universe and Douglas Adams”.

Horace is, at least in part, a richly inventive platformer, offering up its own unique spin on the rather well-worn Metroidvania formula. But it’s also very British love letter to video games as a whole, tipping its hat to host of classics through a slightly anarchic, and gently nostalgic array of sharply observed nods, winks, and playable pastiches.

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Source: Eurogamer Acclaimed story-driven platformer Horace is currently free on the Epic Games Store