Horizon Zero Dawn developer Guerrilla is looking for a game programmer to work on an “epic open world game”, who would ideally have multiplayer experience.

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At current, Guerrilla has yet to announce what its current project is, but the open world descriptor in this new senior game programmer job listing (via GamesRadar) points towards a potential Horizon Zero Dawn sequel. The listing also notes that the game features “ranged and melee weapons, combat and traversal mechanics”, which are all characteristics applicable to Horizon, or at least a game with similar traits.

This all makes the ‘plus point’ of experience in multiplayer interesting, as the original Horizon was a purely single-player game. While it’s impossible to draw concrete conclusions from this posting, it does point to Guerrilla at least considering a multiplayer component for its next open world game. In short: if this is Horizon 2, then it may feature multiplayer.

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Plenty of other Guerrilla job listings have pointed towards a Horizon sequel in development, while other recent reports have pointed to the original Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC. For a closer look at Sony’s development slate, take a look at every first-party PlayStation developer and what they’re working on.

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Matt Purslow is IGN’s UK News and Entertainment Writer. You can follow him on Twitter

Source: IGN.com Horizon Developer Seeking Staff With Multiplayer Experience