A Hat in Time is still getting updates and DLC nearly three years after its initial release. That’s not bad for an indie studio!

Tip your hat for one more, as developer Gears for Breakfast just shared the details for the latest patch, which is very Switch heavy. Among various “performance and stability improvements,” there’s also a few bug fixes (an errant ladder, glitchy trains in the cat metro DLC), synced music for online parties (a mode that was added in the last add-on), and a crash fix for modders.

But most importantly, there’s a few Switch-only concessions: another DLC crash fix and a new motion blur setting. This is on top of everything else, so hopefully the Switch edition will be up to par with everything else now.

You can read the full patch notes below.

An Update to A Hat in Time is now available [Steam]

New Hat in Time update address a lot of issues on Switch screenshot

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Source: Destructoid New Hat in Time update address a lot of issues on Switch