Steam’s latest sale is mostly standard fare for this sort of thing: A massive discount extravaganza where thousands of games have had their prices slashed, and it’s on you to sift through it all to figure out what’s worth your time. However, time is sort of precious. Unlike the other Steam sales that stretch on for weeks, this one lasts a scant four days.

This Steam sale is in celebration of the Lunar New Year, and it has all the appropriate bells and whistles. Visiting the store each day gives you the option to unlock a gift — some rat coins and part of a story. Those coins can be used to pick up event-exclusive items like “profile backgrounds, mini-profile backgrounds, chat room effects, chat stickers, and more.”

As for the main attraction — you know, cheap games — here’s a small selection of some decent-looking deals:

Steam has a huge four-day Lunar New Year sale screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Steam has a huge four-day Lunar New Year sale