The drama behind the upcoming Uncharted movie continues as Sony has announced that the film has been delayed by three months, likely a result of losing its sixth director last month.

According to The Hollywood Reporter’s Aaron Couch, the Uncharted movie has been delayed until March 5, 2021 — almost three months later than its initial December 2020 release date.

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Further, the film will be taking over the March 2021 release date that was originally being held for He-Man’s Masters of the Universe movie, which has now been taken off the calendar, according to Couch’s report.

While this news is likely disappointing to fans, the news shouldn’t be too surprising given the long, strange history of the Uncharted movie, which has experienced a handful of director changes and casting rollercoasters.

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The film will star Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and potentially Mark Wahlberg as Drake’s mentor, Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan. Further, Sony is reportedly in talks with Venom’s Ruben Fleischer, which would make him the film’s seventh director.

In 2019, Sony announced PlayStation Productions, a production studio that aims to take Sony’s catalog of video game titles and franchises and adapt them for film and television.

While no new projects have been announced yet, Sony owns tons of different franchises that it could turn into movies, such as The Last of Us, God of War, and Spyro the Dragon, just to name a few. In fact, images from a canceled animated short film adaptation of The Last of Us were leaked online just recently, which was meant to be a bridge between the first game and the upcoming The Last of Us Part 2.

Do you think there will be any more drama with the Uncharted movie? Let us know in the comments below!

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Andrew Smith is a freelance contributor with IGN. Follow him on Twitter @_andrewtsmith

Source: Uncharted Movie Release Date Pushed Back