Eddie Marsan was brilliant in the BBC adaptation of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, playing the conservative magician bringing magic back to 19th century England. He has a fearsome intensity under his mousy appearance. Watch it, you’ll like it – or better yet read the book it’s based on, it’s even better.
I mention Marsan because he’s popped up in a video game – he’s the star attraction. He’s the narrator in Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Adventure. He’s the guy in a big leather chair who tells you the story. And as this is an adaptation of a Fighting Fantasy, choose your own adventure book, he has everything to do.
He’s a great signing! He certainly turned my head. But in motion he’s surprisingly underwhelming, careful and measured. It’s as if he’s sight reading, like he could only be afforded for the day, and, as there was so much text to get through, retakes weren’t an option.
Source: Eurogamer Deathtrap Dungeon doesn't get the most out of its star actor