Pokémon’s long-awaited official storage and transfer service, Pokémon Home, has finally been fully detailed, and we now know that its premium features cost up to £15 a year. There’s also a free Basic version too, but that’s, well, basic.

Pokémon Home – available on Switch and as an app for mobile devices – will take the form of a cloud-based National Pokédex, growing as Pokémon from compatible titles are placed in its Boxes. At launch, Pokémon from Sword and Shield, both Let’s Go games, and Pokémon Bank can be transferred to Home. Pokémon Go compatibility is “coming soon”.

The Pokémon Company notes the Pokédex will register Mega Evolve and Gigantamax forms, and that users can obtain in-app stickers by completing challenges or Battle Points for use in core Pokémon games on Switch simply by using Home.

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Source: Eurogamer Pokémon Home's premium plan will cost £15 a year