Members of the press were able to attend early screenings of Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, and first impressions are overly positive.

Many praise the film’s action, how great Margot Robbie is as Harley Quinn, and how creative and inventive the latest DC film is.

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Here’s our roundup of the first social reactions to Birds of Prey ahead of its theatrical release on February 7, 2020.

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IGN’s Jim Vejvoda said “#birdsofprey is fun! Probably the most (and best choreographed) fight scenes of any DC movie yet and another great turn by Margot Robbie. Ewan McGregor is a hilarious, scenery-chewing scene stealer as Black Mask. I also enjoyed the nonlinear approach to the story. Not all the characters pop but overall this was a very entertaining romp. It’s also totally a sequel to Suicide Squad despite the “standalone” talk. It’s just way, way better than Suicide Squad was.”

IGN’s Laura Prudom said Birds of Prey is a “riot – oozing with attitude and some of the most inventive, bone-crunching fight sequences in the superhero genre to date.”

Laura PIGN’s Terri Schwartz liked Birds of Prey a lot. She also thinks this film may have “one of the highest percentages of action in the modern comic book movie era.”

TerriIGN’s Joshua Yehl thinks Birds of Prey is like watching Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti’s “zaniest Harley Quinn comics come to life.”

Joshua Y

Mike Rougeau of GameSpot says it is his “favorite modern DC movie yet.”

Mike RMashable’s Alison Foreman praised both the movie and the soundtrack.

Alison FAtom Ticket’s Alisha Grauso says Birds of Prey is “like if John Wick were run through a crazy funhouse filter and stuffed full of glitter and f-bombs.”

Alisha GFandango’s Erik Davis commended Margot Robbie, Ewan McGregor and Chris Messina for their performances.

ERik DMashable’s Angie J. Han enjoyed Birds of Prey but said it is “hampered by uneven tone and pacing.”

Angie HTribune Content Agency and LA Times Movie News’ Katie Walsh thinks Ewan McGregor deserves an award for Best Supporting Actor.

Katie WGeeks of Color’s Dorian Parks thought the action in Birds of Prey reminded her of John Wick.

DorianGizmodo’s Germain Lussier said Birds of Prey is “tamer than expected,” but that it “works more often than not.”

Germain’s Brandon Davis called Birds of Prey “a lot of fun and violent as hell.”

Brandon DavisForbes’ Scott Mendelson thinks Birds of Prey is “a bonkers bananas crime comedy and a genuine party movie.”

Scott MGameSpot’s Meg Downey thought Birds of Prey was an “absolute blast.”

Meg D

Fandom’s Eric Goldman called Birds of Prey “weird, wacky, super violent, occasionally really gory (the R is well earned on this one), and very up my alley.”

Erioc GInverse’s Eric Francisco admits Birds of Prey starts a bit slow, but is “soaring in the end.”

Eric F

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who can’t wait and is so excited he just can’t hide it. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.

Source: Birds of Prey First Reactions Social Roundup