Following the drama that was Apex Legends’ new character reveal, developer Respawn is finally ready to start talking specifics ahead of Season 4’s arrival tomorrow, 4th February – and it’s now shared news on the big map changes coming, alongside a first gameplay trailer.

In a lengthy new blogpost, Apex Legends’ design director Jason McCord explained that the goal of Season 4’s map changes is to offer “new ways for [players] to approach the game…so that each drop, rotation, and gunfight feels as fresh as possible”. To that end, World’s Edge will see new landmarks in Season 4, alongside major changes to familiar locations.

Most immediately noticeable in the new Planet Harvester point of interest, slapped right in the middle of the map. In lore terms, it’s the means by which shadowy corporation Hammond Robotics can gather precious metals from the planet’s core, but from a gameplay perspective, its giant red beam is intended to give players “a better sense of directionality and understanding of the center of the map”.

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Source: Eurogamer Apex Legends details major map changes ahead of Season 4's arrival tomorrow