A subscription service for Fallout 76 was one of the more ridiculous announcements of 2019: right up there with a subscription service for (the then single-player) Mario Kart Tour. Subscriptions, they’re the new loot boxes.

But today there’s news regarding another subscription service: Twitch Prime. Bethesda has teamed up with the industry titan to give away free stuff in Fallout 76, like an iron weapon skin for the Fire Axe item, and Nuka-Cherry armor paint for combat, leather, and metal armor. Oh, and throw in a tree pose for photo mode.

But back to the subscription service. Fallout 76 is about to garner some goodwill with the upcoming free giant Wastelanders update, but you could argue that all of that content is stuff the game should have had by default, and been delayed for. Bethesda is extremely ballsy to put game-impacting microtransactions in after they said they wouldn’t, and lather a subscription service on top of that.

I’m extremely interested in seeing how Fallout 76 fares after all the dust has settled. We know their reputation has taken a hit for all time: let’s see if they can even somewhat recover from it. Thinking even further ahead, I wonder what Fallout 5 is going to look like.

Twitch Prime Rewards [Bethesda.net]

Fallout 76's Twitch Prime rewards are live, in case you have a subscription on top of a subscription screenshot

Source: Destructoid Fallout 76’s Twitch Prime rewards are live, in case you have a subscription on top of a subscription