One of the best things about searching for deals online is when you come across something with a little bit of mystery surrounding it. At first glance, this deal on AmazonBasics AAA batteries seems pretty decent: get 100 sent directly to you door for just $20.99. But it’s when you see the secret, hidden savings, the feeling is similar to finding a secret level in a video game.

100 AAA Batteries for $13.64 and More Deals

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For the AAA deal, you could keep your subscription going and save 15% off additional 100-packs of AAA batteries later on, which might be a good idea if you find yourself burning through AAA batteries a lot. Otherwise, you should just turn around and cancel the subscription. There’s no penalty for doing so, and 100 AAA batteries is enough to last for a very long time.

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Seth Macy is IGN’s tech and commerce editor and just wants to be your friend. Find him on Twitter @sethmacy.

Source: Stock Up on Batteries With These Amazing Amazon Deals