Fallout 76 continues to truck along, and Bethesda isn’t wavering in its support. Since launching on November 14, 2018, Fallout 76 has received a number of big updates; some have been welcomed with open arms, others have not.
On April 7, players who are still wandering Appalachia’s wilds can look forward to Wastelanders, the largest free update to date. Rolling out on Xbox one, PlayStation 4, and PC (including Steam), this update brings NPCs to the mix. If you felt that Appalachia was a little too barren, or just didn’t like talking with other players, you can now converse with the NPCs who will be littered across the world. Many of these fully voiced denizens are tied to a new questline that leads to new enemies and weapons.
As you get to know Appalachia’s residents, dialogue trees will determine what happens next. Yes, choice is coming back to Fallout. The decisions you make in these conversations will affect your standing with specific factions.
While the core Wastelanders update is free, Bethesda is also offering two Faction-themed content bundles that hold exclusive C.A.M.P. items and cosmetics – one for Raiders and another for Settlers. No price has been given for these bundles just yet. You can find out out more details on Bethesda’s official blog.
Are you still playing Fallout 76? If you stopped, will the addition of NPCs and a new questline bring you back? Let us know in the comments below.
Source: Game Informer The NPCs Are On The Way! Free Fallout 76 Wastelanders Update Arrives On April 7